"'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'"
Acts 13:47 (ESV)

Missions at The Met

The desire to fulfill the Great Commission has been the heartbeat at the Met since 1931. Through the years, it has been incredible to see God at work through our faithful men and women who have engaged in a variety of kingdom work in Canada and around the world.

You are invited to Celebrate Missions 2023 (our annual missions conference), from November 12th to November 17th here at The Met. Join us throughout this week as we hear from our guest speaker Dr. Hershael York as well as some of our missionaries and discover more about the exciting things the Lord is doing here at home and around the world through their ministries.

Check our METMissions social media page for information about our upcoming Celebrate Missions Conference in the weeks to come


Celebrate Missions Projects 2023 - Special Offering

During our missions conference this year, it is our privilege to support the following two mission projects:

Project 1 - Pashto New Testaments: Providing Pashto New Testaments to our supported missionary for the evangelization of the Pashtun people in Pakistan. The Pashto New Testaments will be placed in mosques and shrines, apart from general distribution, and will be used for discipleship purposes. The Met is committed to sponsoring 5,000 Bibles for this initiative.

Project 2 - Encounter The Truth (ETT): The Met’s media ministry, Encounter the Truth, is reaching a fast-growing number of people with the transforming message of the gospel. We have witnessed lives being touched and individuals finding salvation by the power of God’s word being proclaimed. We are thrilled that Encounter the Truth has been offered the privilege to broadcast in two of the largest metropolitan areas in North America – Toronto (WDCX 99.5 FM) and Los Angeles (KWAVE 107.9 FM). These new opportunities allow us to reach the largest, deeply secular urban center in Canada, covering over 10 million potential listeners during morning rush hour at 8:30 am, while bringing the gospel to Southern California airwaves for over 16 million potential listeners.

Note: The giving link for these projects will be open from Nov 5 to 19, 2023. We encourage you to give via this link within this time frame.

Serve at the Conference

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"
1 Peter 4:10

Would you consider volunteering with our Missions Committee in making this conference a success? Use the form in the link below to learn more and to let us know that you are interested in serving with us.

Serve at The Conference

Celebrate Missions 2023 Schedule

We are delighted to be able to celebrate our missionaries throughout our Missions Conference. Each ministry will be welcoming a missionary into their regular program with the desire to not only celebrate our wonderful missionaries, but also to give each missionary the opportunity to share what God at work their missions field. Besides that, we have 4 other events open to all as a congregation. Consider joining us for one or more of the events listed below:

Nov 12 | 9 & 11 AM | Sanctuary | Opening

Hear our guest speaker Dr. Hershael York, from Louisville, KY speak on our theme “To The Ends of The Earth.” Met Missionaries will also be available to meet in the lobby after each service.

Nov 12| 5:30 PM | Gym | Cultural Dinner

Join us for a special missions cultural night you don't want to miss! Enjoy dinner at 5:30 pm, followed by a cultural program on missions in the Sanctuary at 6:45 pm. Registration is required for dinner, but all are welcome to join for the program afterward.Register

Nov 12| 6:45 PM | Sanctuary | Cultural Program

Join us for our special Cultural Program; a time of preaching and focusing on Missions. This event happens right after the Cultural Dinner and is open to all, no registration required!

Nov 13 | 6:30 PM | Chapel | Pray for the Nations

Gather together for a time of focused prayer for missions for 1 hour and 10 minutes.Register

Nov 14 | 6:30 PM | Theatre | METYouth Junior High & High School

METYouth will enjoy stories and discussions about missions work around the world.

Nov 15 | 9:30 AM | Gym | METWomen Am

METWomen will enjoy stories and discussions about missions work around the world.

Nov 15 | 7:00 PM | Gym | METMen & METWomen Dessert Night

METWomen and METMen’s Fellowship will come together for a dessert and panel discussion featuring Met Missionaries, serving in Canada and around the globe.

Nov 16 | 9:30 AM | Gym | METSeniors Missions Focus & Lunch

METSeniors will be encouraged to hear a panel discussion featuring Met Missionaries past and present, followed by lunch.Register

Nov 16 | 6:30 PM | Gym | AWANA

AWANA Clubs will each have an opportunity to hear about what God is doing through the work of Met Missionaries.

Nov 16 | 7:00 PM | Chapel | Met Young Adults

Met Young Adults will enjoy stories and discussions about missions work around the world.

Nov 17 | 7:00 PM | Gym | CSB

CSB will enjoy stories and discussions about missions work around the world.

*schedule subject to change