2023/24 Ministry Corporation Annual Report

2023/24 Property Corporation Annual Report



  1. Proxy Voting - A voting Member may appoint another voting Member of the Metropolitan Bible Church Ministry and Property Corporations (a Proxy), to attend and vote in their place. Proxies count towards quorum.
  2. Quorum (minimum number of members present in person or by proxy) of 35% of total voting members is required to transact business at a Members’ Meeting. If quorum is not present at the start of a Members’ Meeting to transact business/vote, the business meeting is adjourned but may continue as an information session.
  • How many Proxy appointments can one Member have? A Proxy may represent a maximum of 2 other Members per meeting.
  • What is The Met’s quorum? Quorum varies depending on number of Members.

Prior to a meeting, packets of information containing proxy and electronic voting options are sent to all Members via email or mail. Meeting agenda and documents are posted on the Members' page of The Met’s website. It can be easy to discount the importance of voting – active participation in The Met’s corporate governance is the privilege and responsibility of a Member. If you cannot attend a Members’ Meeting, or friend or family member cannot attend, please take the time to complete a Proxy Voting Form.

If you have any questions please email [email protected] or call 613-238-8182.

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