We are so glad that you are wanting to find out more about membership at the Met! We take membership seriously here, and encourage all believers who make this their church home to consider entering into membership with us.

“Church” membership? First, what is the Church?

Thinking about church membership starts by thinking about what the church is. As we consider the teaching of the Bible, we find that Christ’s church is meant to be a visible community, set apart from the world (2 Cor. 6:16–18), and representing Christ’s kingdom in the world (1 Pet. 2:9), by the way its members obey Christ’s commands (Mat. 28:20), in their interactions with each other (John 13:34-35), and with the world (1 Pet. 2:12).

So what is church membership?

Becoming a church member is simply identifying publically as part of the new covenant assembly of God’s people, set apart from the world. It is an expression of a person’s intention to live out the commands of Jesus Christ in a specific community of Christians that represents Christ’s kingdom in a particular place. It is a commitment to actually “assemble” together regularly in pursuit of those ends (Heb. 10:24).

But why should we make membership so formal?

In the New Testament, the local church is described as including a type of “association” (1 Cor. 5:9) and “assembling” (1 Cor. 5:4) with one another that is formal enough to facilitate a mechanism for exclusion (1 Cor. 5:2). Formal membership allows believers to identify the leaders who will care for them spiritually, and whom they will honour (Heb. 13:17). In coming into membership, we identify ourselves with this local body of believers, and affirm that we are committed to them – committed to serve, to love, to pray, to give. We believe in congregational involvement in key decisions, and members are invited to vote on key matters. That is all an important part of our accountability and governance as a church.

Church membership at the Met

We put these biblical principles into practice at The Met with a series of steps for prospective members. If you have attended The Met for less then 6 months, please join us at our Starting Point class before considering membership.

  1. Attend a Met Membership Class to learn about the church, its mission and purpose, and the responsibilities of membership. This is offered several times per year.
  2. Submit a completed application for membership.
  3. Meet with two members of the church leadership to discuss your faith journey and to ensure your doctrinal convictions align with our statement of faith.
  4. Application is reviewed and approved by the Met Board.
  5. New Member is then presented to the Met family at a Members' Meeting.

Please click the button below if you would like to register for the next Membership Class.

Register for Next Membership Class

If you have any questions, we encourage you to visit the Hub on Sunday mornings, contact the church office, or email [email protected].

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